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Adam Cockburn

Spotlight:Adam Cockburn - Head of Architecture

Can you tell us a little bit about your previous experience?

I’ve worked in tech for 25 years now, with 10 to 15 of them years as a technology leader in a variety of roles. My previous experience is in engineering architecture and more recently in technology leadership working as the technology director for BT. I’ve worked across a variety of industries including, telecoms, financial services, banking, payment, logistics, retail, legal services and consulting. I love learning about all of the different industries and I really enjoy the challenge.

Why did you join Axiologik?

I joined Axiologik in December 2021 so it’s a fairly new role still. It was a job role that offered a lot of variety but also gave me the ability to really make a difference through the type of work we do. A lot of my responsibilities are of national importance and that was really incredible to me.

What are some of your day to day responsibilities?

I am the Head of Architecture Practice, as well as looking after the engineering side of things. I’m responsible for growing our capability from an architecture perspective and making sure we deliver across all of our clients. I make sure we are using best practice and I am currently working with the UK Health security agency as a Chief Architect with their technology group within the digital function. I also work on Covid services and we’re currently using the technology to work on other health threats, such as monkeypox. Just one example of the incredible work carried out here!

What’s your favourite part of the job?

I really like the fact that as a consultancy, whilst we're a commercial organisation, what’s most important to us all is using technology to make real world impacts. Being able to find the right solution for our clients is hugely rewarding and really helps to make difficult days manageable. I love that we have a strong compass as an organisation to get the client to their outcomes, it’s very rewarding.

What are you most looking forward to next year?

Over the next 12 months I am most looking forward to growing this practice. We’ve recently employed another architect and we have another one joining us in October. I am excited about recruiting more architects, whether they are just starting out in their career or at a more senior level.

If you weren't in your current role, what else would you be doing?

If I wasn’t at Axiologik, I would either like to do some more consulting, as the variety of the job attracts me, or I’d be a Senior Technology Leader in a digital space for another large national organisation.

What is your favourite thing to do?

My favourite thing I love doing is spending time with my children. I have a strong relationship with them, and I especially love to annoy them when I’m at home! I’m really proud of my home life and the fact that my children are both my friends and my kids. There’s nothing better than coming home after a hard day at work and just spending five minutes with them puts a smile on my face - even if I am annoying them!

If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you bring?

  1. I’d take my family, because they keep me sane and have the ability to make everyday a good day
  2. Music – I believe there is a soundtrack to every situation. Being a classically trained guitarist and having gigged for 10 years, I would definitely take music on the island
  3. Frisbee – Having coached university teams and played in a UK National ultimate frisbee team I would have to take my Frisbee with me!
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